Bride with bridesmaid

Summer Weddings

Summer weddings are very common here on California’s Central Coast and with good reason. Summer is awesome here! In this post, I’ll talk about some great things about summer weddings and some things to consider. You’ll also find some ideas for your own wedding!

Summer Wedding Cons

Let’s get the cons out of the way. There really aren’t many. The weather can be the most daunting, depending on how late in the summer you have your wedding. Here in central California, it can get pretty hot, so keep that in mind when planning the timeline. A later start time might work well for the hot summer days.

Reserved sign for a wedding at The Loading Chute

Pros of a Summer Wedding

Now that we got the cons out of the way (there’s really only one), let’s talk about all the GOOD things about summer weddings!

  • Long days mean more daylight hours
  • Fun food like ice cream and popsicles
  • Families can attend and vacation at the same time
  • No rain
  • Fun, summer colors

Summer Color Palette

Summer weddings have the most variety in color palettes available. It’s a great season for those bold colors. It’s also great if you want to keep things white. So many colors look great during the summer and it’s easy to find the flowers you want. Winter can make it difficult to find flowers, but summer offers an abundance.
lemon water at a wedding reception

Summer Ideas

Have lots of lemonade at your summer wedding. You could even incorporate lemons into your decor if you love the yellow color. Sunflowers are another great summer flower, especially if your wedding is in late summer.

You could have a boho dress with an ice cream cake. Fresh fruit and even fruit trees can make unique and memorable decor. Bright cake colors are perfect for summer. Who ever said your wedding cake has to be white?

The bottom line is that summer weddings are full of fun and unique ideas. This is the time of year when you can really let those bold colors shine and be as vibrant as you want.

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