Bride spraying on perfume while looking out the window

Be Prepared

Things happen. We forget things we really need. It happens! Even on wedding days. That’s why a wedding day emergency kit is a must-have item when planning your wedding. I’ll get right into it. Here’s what you should have in your kit. There are dozens more things you could add, but here are 10 that must be included.

wedding checklist graphic
  1. Deodorant – This is one of those things that can easily be overlooked. You use it daily, but usually just once after the morning shower. Then you don’t think about it the rest of the day. You want to make sure you have this to apply right before you walk down the aisle.
  2. Safety Pins – The unthinkable happens more often than you might imagine. Sometimes, a stitch on the wedding dress breaks or the bodice inserts detach unexpectedly. Sometimes, the bride has lost more weight since the dress was altered. Other times, the bustle will break. Any number of things can happen and a safety pin or two can really save the day. I would recommend having a handful of them available for last minute adjustments.
  3. Pain Relievers – Don’t let a headache dampen your big day. Anything from a sore throat to a weary foot can feel better with some Tylenol or Advil. Be sure to have some for your bridesmaids too! You don’t want cranky bridesmaids.
  4. Floss – There are few things worse than having something stuck between your teeth on your wedding day. Carrying a toothbrush and some floss is a good idea since you will undoubtedly be eating throughout the day.
  5. Snacks – Wedding days are busy. There’s not always time to stop and grab a bite to eat and before you know it, you’re getting a little hangry. Not a good plan on your wedding day. Carry a quick snack to keep the nerves settled and your tummy feeling happy. You won’t regret it!
  6. Sunscreen – If you burn easily and are having your wedding outside, be sure to have sunscreen applied just before the ceremony. It will be a long day and you won’t have time to reapply later (if you do, you likely won’t remember), so be sure to apply sunscreen before you walk down the aisle.
  7. Double Sided Tape – Having double sided tape or “boob tape” has saved so many brides with slight wardrobe malfunctions. When you look down, you tend to feel like you are showing your goods to the world. Others don’t see that same view and it looks much more tasteful to everyone else, but a little tape to keep everything in place can help you feel much more comfortable.
  8. Nail File – Have you ever broken a nail and not had a file? It’s horrible. When I break a nail, I obsess over the rough feel of it and need to get it to match the smooth feel of the other nails, no matter the cost! I always end up making it worse, but I try anyway. With a wedding dress, there’s also a chance that your jagged nail can catch on the lace of the dress and snag it, so be sure to have a file to prevent this.
  9. Bobby Pins – Having a few extra bobby pins can help if you feel your hair falling out of place. Your hair will likely be done fairly early in the day and can settle a bit depending on your activity level. Having a bridesmaid add a few pins will help it all stay in place. If you are adding a veil, you might also want a few extra pins to secure it in place.
  10. Scissors – I can’t even count how many times scissors were needed while getting ready. You’ll need them for stray threads, tags, new boxes for jewelry and so much more. This is one of the most needed items when getting ready.

There are so many other things you can add like band-aids, hairspray, glue, nail polish, anti-static spray and countless other useful items, but if you are trying to keep your kit small and light, the items listed above are a great starting point and will get you through the day.

Looking for some more tips? Download a Sample Wedding Timeline

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